Map Yellow Mountain China
Tourist map of huangshan mountain click to enlarge of all the notable mountains in china the huangshan mountain aka yellow mountain is probably the most famous and can be found in the south of anhui province.
Map yellow mountain china. Huangshan is a frequent subject of traditional chinese paintings and. Vegetation on the range is thickest below 1 100 meters 3 600 ft with trees growing up to the treeline at 1 800 meters 5 900 ft. The area is well known for its scenery sunsets peculiarly shaped granite peaks huangshan pine trees hot springs winter snow and views of the clouds from above. Yellow mountain is a mountain range in southern anhui province in eastern china.
It is said that the chinese immemorial yellow emperor huang di used to refine his elixir in yellow mountain which makes the mountain more mysterious and respected. Huangshan or yellow mountain is one of the most beautiful mountains in china. The tourist maps show the routes up and down and attractions on the mountains. Yellow mountain has been being treated as the holy land of taoism since ancient china because of its amazing tranquility and natural beauty to this day many taoist relics such as taoist temples still can be found on the mountain.
The fairyland like huangshan national park. Click on the maps for a enlarged view. Four thousands of years yellow mountain has been being hailed as the most peculiar mountain. Here we offer useful 2020 maps of huangshan including travel map hiking map etc.
Praised as the loveliest mountain in china yellow mountain has attracted millions of travelers to enjoy its breathtaking magical wonders odd shaped pines spectacular rocky peaks sea of clouds hot spring and winter snow.